Learn to Curl - October 19th, 2024

Learn to Curl - October 19th, 2024

Several times during the season, our club offers learn-to-curl events to the general public to teach the basics of curling. When you attend a learn-to-curl event you’ll get instruction from our members and you will learn:

  1. The history of Curling, the sportsmanship that drive the game, and some of the terminology used when playing.
  2. How to be safe when walking on the ice and delivering a stone.
  3. Proper delivery technique.
  4. How to put the “curl” into curling.
  5. How to sweep a stone.
  6. How to score an end.

For this event you'll need a seperate pair of clean gym shoes. The bottoms of those shoes should be clean and free of any dirt, debris and rocks that might get in the cracks in the bottom of the shoes. 

You'll also want to wear some warm, loosefitting clothing. What you would normally wear to the gym is perfect. Try to avoid any clothing that pills easy or contains down. While you are on the ice you can break a sweat going up and down the ice sweeping the rock. 

You will also learn how to become a member and the leagues that are available to new curlers.

If you cannot get low and deliver a stone like an Olympian, do not worry! We also can teach you how to stick-curl!

For more information, contact Tucker Diedrich at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 715-573-1959

For this event you'll need a seperate pair of clean gym shoes. The bottoms of those shoes should be clean and free of any dirt, debris and rocks that might get in the cracks in the bottom of the shoes. 

You'll also want to wear some warm, loosefitting clothing. What you would normally wear to the gym is perfect. Try to avoid any clothing that pills easy or contains down. While you are on the ice you can break a sweat going up and down the ice sweeping the rock. 

Event Properties

Event Date 10-19-2024 8:30 am
Event End Date 10-19-2024 12:00 pm
Cut off date 10-19-2024
Capacity 56
Registered 24
Available place 32
Price $10.00
Location Wausau Curling Center

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map

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WCC Club Playdowns
Date 15.03.2025
10 Apr

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1920 Curling Way
Wausau, WI  USA 54403 

Contact Us

Phone: (715) 842-3614
[email protected] 

Mailing Address:
Wausau Curling Club
P.O. Box 627
Wausau, WI 54402


Interested in Curling?

Are you new to the sport of curling? Want to give it a try? Interested in becoming a member of the Wausau Curling Club? We're always looking to welcome new members to our club. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn2Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling!